I am currently an Associate Proffesor of Mathematics Department in Işık University. I graduated from BoÄŸaziçi University with an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and continued my studies there until I received my masters degree. I wrote my thesis in the area of Absract Harmonic Analysis under the supervision of my advisor Prof. Ali Ülger.
Afterwards I moved to Connecticut U.S. to receive my Ph.D. degree. I succesfully completed the program in 2010. I wrote my dissertation under the supervision of my advisor Prof. Richard F. Bass. My dissertation is about Littlewood-Paley Theory from a Probabilistic point of view and its playground when the underlying process is a symmetric stable proccess.
After the completion of the Ph.D. program at the University of Connecticut, I received a post-doc offer from the Mathematics Department of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada. I worked for the Mathematics department for 2 years and did my research with the probability group of UBC.
I moved back to Istanbul in 2012, and has been working as a full-time faculty at Işık University ever since.
I am teaching various classes including all levels of Calculus, Probability, Real Analysis and Functional Analysis. I received an award about my teaching skills from the Mathematics Department of UBC in 2012, namely "Excellence in Teaching Award 2012". Additionally, I received acknowlagement letters from the Department of Mathematics of University of Connecticut about excellence of teaching skills and high students evaluations.

2010 - 2012
University of British Columbia - Canada
2005 - 2010
University of Connecticut - United States
Ph. D.
Advisor: Richard. F. Bass
2002 - 2005
BoÄŸaziçi University - Turkey
Masters Degree
Advisor: Ali Ülger
1997 - 2002
BoÄŸaziçi University - Turkey
Undergraduate Degree
Probabilistic Potential Theory
I am interested in probabilistic techniques used in Potential Theory. These techniques allows us to generalize the classic results and operators in Potential Theory and obtain new tools to study a wider range of operators than the Classical ones.
Harmonic Analysis
I'm interested in Littlewood-Paley Theory and bounded operators.